
Showing posts from May, 2021

Scares of Technical Debt (Part I)

Let’s first get in the shoes of someone who is running an internet business. Typically, internet businesses are easy to start. You come up with a really good business model, develop a considerably good web site that provides a service that a user would want to. But business is not about just putting a product out into the market, but also surviving – sustain to generate at least adequate business activity and returns, but the target should be growth. So, an evolving business always grows in complexity and for an internet based one, the technical complexity of the application would naturally grow as well inevitably.    Let’s take a really simple scenario. As the owner, you see a new market segment that could use the transactions data that you have accumulated over time in being an operational internet business for analysis – let’s say your local authorities. Apart from the legal requirements of developing a feature to obtain fresh consent from the users to allow access for their data, m