
Scares of Technical Debt (Part I)

Let’s first get in the shoes of someone who is running an internet business. Typically, internet businesses are easy to start. You come up with a really good business model, develop a considerably good web site that provides a service that a user would want to. But business is not about just putting a product out into the market, but also surviving – sustain to generate at least adequate business activity and returns, but the target should be growth. So, an evolving business always grows in complexity and for an internet based one, the technical complexity of the application would naturally grow as well inevitably.    Let’s take a really simple scenario. As the owner, you see a new market segment that could use the transactions data that you have accumulated over time in being an operational internet business for analysis – let’s say your local authorities. Apart from the legal requirements of developing a feature to obtain fresh consent from the users to allow access for their data, m

Code Analysis Tools: SonarLint

This is a very short article on an extension that is readily available across different code editors for running code quality analysis. So, I’d talk a bit about SonarLint, which is simply a linter that helps developers with detecting and fix quality issues on the go. So, in a very simple sense, SonarLint automatically shows you where and what exactly are the issues with your code, against professional quality coding standards, practices and conventions as of a spell checker. So, its purpose is to give instantaneous feedback about how and what you code as you type in your code. Anyhow, this also relates to what is called ‘Static code analysis’, by a definition is – “is a method of debugging by examining source code before a program run by analysing a set of code against a set (or multiple sets) of   coding rules ”.   Quality is an important aspect of a good software. But, typically in the case of undergraduate projects, code quality is something that is typically dusted under the mat wh

User Experience Design — A Head Start based on my view

UI/UX has been a buzz word among these days, especially among undergraduates sorting for opportunities in the industry as a professional. Well, most of them are in the preconceived notion that being a UI/UX engineer is the easiest to be and it requires little to no technical skills compared those which are expected of a candidate seeking an opportunity as a Software Engineer. Hence, this is quite a pattern that I been witnessing, where everybody is so fascinated and interested in UI/UX, but nobody seems to know what exactly is UI and UX (not to mention what the differences are) and what it takes to be a ‘great’ UI/UX Engineer. This has made most undergraduates, especially at the stage where they seek internships, get lost on – ‘is it good for me’, ’do I have what it takes to be a UX engineer ’,   ‘what do I get to do as a UX engineer’ and so on. I may not be a designated UX Engineer, but had been having a keen interest in the area apart from my part-time designing which dr

Simple Experiment to test the impact of Significant News Events to Stock Trading at Colombo Stocks Exchange in 2017 – A data mining approach

Stock market is an integral part of any economy and often reflects the performance of the respective economy and un-doubtfully, external forces play a major role in the performance of the stock market. Although, the impact of these factors are not clearly visible or directly attributable as financial performances of listed companies or industries, suggesting a prevailing issue in predicting stock market solely on financial performance. A typical example in the local domain is the record for the highest stock trade on 9th January 2015 in the aftermath of the Presidential election for the year 2015. A similar case in the global context is with the election of Trump in the US. Therefore, in order to understand this effect, we – a group of 3, engaged in a small experiment using data mining considering ‘How Colombo Stock Market is affected by the local news events in Sri Lanka’.     The variation in Stock prices in CSE in 2015. The highest recorded around the Election days in January